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Dongguan City Jiasheng Copper Co., Ltd.

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red copper
red copper
Specification: c1100
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

red copper
red copper
Specification: c1100
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

red copper
red copper
Specification: c1100
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

red copper
red copper
Specification: c1100
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

beryllium copper
beryllium copper
Specification: C127200 C17500
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

beryllium copper
beryllium copper
Specification: C17200 C17500
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...

beryllium copper
beryllium copper
Specification: C17200 C17500
Detail: 1. Beryllium copper mold material has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal properties, 2-3 times higher than steel, excellent cooling performance, to shorten the cycle time on molding, good heat dissipation, effectively ...
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